Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Too much rain!!!

We have had way too much rain!!
My brother & sister-in-law are homeless. They live in Rushford, MN at least they did. They were at my house Saturday so they were not home when the town flooded. They got a voicemail from their neighbor that the neighborhood was evacuated at 3:30 AM. Their neighbor hardly got out before the street turned into a flood. We didn;t have a clue what was goign on with the town and their house, and their dogs and cats until Sunday night when they finally heard from their neighbor. Their dogs were rescue by the sheriff who came in on a airboat to rescue them. By the time they got to them the black lab/St Bernard mix was treading water. The sheriff gave the dogs to their neighbor and then was take to anmal control. Then my brother & sister-in-law went down to Rushford Monday to rescue their three cats. And Tuesday they moved the dogs to a kennel in Canton, MN. Their cats & my brother & sister-in-law are staying with us for awhile. My brother & sister-in-law went down to Rushford to see what was going on with the town and their house. They were told it was not safe to step into the house. They will inspect the house tomorrow to see if is habitable.
Please pray for them. They are not sure what is going to happen to their house and where they will live.


Anna Wencl said...

I'm still praying for you guys...

Sarah B. said...

Hey Susan-
I'm still praying for your family. Any new news?